The Watering Challenge
The Bible tells us to be more than hearers of the Word. Here at CLCC, we learn how to become DOERS. This week, it's time to do what it do!
For details on the fruits of the Spirit, read last week's article, Part 1: It's Inspection Time. As for this week, let's jump right into our A.S.K method of applying the Word to our everyday lives...
For our new readers, A.S.K stands for Ask-Seek-Knock...
Plastic fruit magnets are cute for the fridge, but a Spirit presenting plastic fruits just isn't acceptable to our God.
If God inspected your spiritual tree living inside you RIGHT NOW, which fruits would He see? Which ones are full-bodied and ripe for the plucking?
That's cute. But we're not here for those...
Let's pay attention to the fruits that are non-existent, dried up, or even rotten. I'm referring to that bad attitude, the complaining, or the way you speak to others. Let's get into doing what's right at all times, no matter who is paying attention. No matter if you have to work on one fruit, or all 9, let's be real with ourselves with what we need to work on, let's get radically intentional, and see what the Word says about it...
Turning To The Word
Paul is one of my favorite writers in the New Testament. He took his time to map out the daily walk of a follower of Christ and the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians, Chapter 5. Take time to pour your Spirit over this ENTIRE chapter.
Working The Word
Up for a challenge? Exercise your faith by activating 1 fruit-a-day!
Today - LOVE
Cultivate your LOVE fruit! Tell at least 1 person why you appreciate them, and show that appreciation through action!
Thursday - JOY
If you find yourself upset or frustrated at any point during the day, take your focus off of the situation and focus on 1 thing you're grateful for. Remember, no matter the situation -- it can ALWAYS be worse! Take heart and be joyful in the fact that it isn't as worse as it could be...
Friday - PEACE
Protect your peace by creating an environment for you and your Spirit to thrive in! Light a candle while reading a book. Close your eyes and put on soft music. Be proactive by apologizing (or forgiving) someone you have an issue with. Make your favorite food dish (or bask in the fact that you have Thanksgiving left-overs and don't have to cook). Whatever the task, take at least 30 minutes to do one activity that righteously brings you the MOST peace and makes you say "woosah".
Saturday - PATIENCE
It's time to cultivate your PATIENCE fruit! Don't honk the car trying to cut you off. Allow someone to go in front of you at the supermarket (no matter how many items they have). Do not cut off someone as they speak, no matter how WRONG they are.
I think you get the point. >>> Find a way to exercise patience.
Today's a double-whammy: we are working both KINDNESS and FAITHFULNESS! Ask the Holy Spirit to tell you one kind thing to do for someone else today. Don't hear anything? It's ok -- it's all about developing your communication with the Spirit to hear Him more clearly. While you're developing and waiting to hear, Google ARK (an act of random kindness), choose the one that speaks most to your heart for God, then figure out a way to do it for someone other than yourself.
For faithfulness, tithe your time! Give God your undivided attention for at least 1 hour (re-watch one of our LIVE STREAM sermons with Pastor PBM and take notes, read your Bible, pray, dance for Him, sing to Him -- whatever the task, make this time your own!).
Be intentional with the way you speak to others, and how to treat them. Start with something simple: speak in a softer tone.
It has nothing to do with "self", and EVERYTHING to do with giving the Spirit "control"! Ask yourself: Which areas in my life do I show great self-control? Which areas do I lack self-control?
For the areas you're lacking in giving the Spirit full control, water this fruit by creating a practical, pragmatic action plan to a make small change towards that area on a daily basis!
Wednesday - Check Yourself
Set your alarms for Pastor Paul B. Mitchell's Christian Bible Teaching at 8 pm later on in the day. In the interim, ask yourself: How am I different today than when I started this study?
Steep in your Word, and take your time developing at least 1 spiritual fruit each day this week!
The FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT is a popular topic in Churchianity. However, how many of us are taking this concept as seriously as God is? How many of us have all 9 fruits, full-bodied and ripe for the Holy Spirit to pluck whenever He's hungry?
Or are we pretending to be full of fruit, when our bad attitudes, unconfessed sin, and excuses are really seeds that grow into rotten fruit we expect our Spirit-man to enjoy?
Trade-in your G.M.O. religion for a true relationship with G.O.D...
Mercedes Saintfleur is a devoted wife, mother of three beautiful girls, and a member at Changing Lives Christian Center. Within the walls, she contributes to the Dance, Media, and Weddings & Events ministries. Beyond the walls, she's an entrepreneur and a professional in the Aviation Industry.
Utilizing honesty, open discussion, and transparency, she uses her experiences, commitment to God, and the potent teachings of Pastor Paul B. Mitchell to implement the Word, and walk the narrow path of Christ...
Thank you for joining us this week!
Look out for a NEW TOPIC next week!
Be sure to join Pastor Paul B. Mitchell, and the entire CLCC Church Family, tonight at 8 pm for CHRISTIAN BIBLE TEACHING by clicking the link below:
Until then, be safe, be blessed, and be narrow...
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